Ergänzende Angaben: Über Tod und Begräbnis des Kardinals, der eine wichtige Rolle im Abspaltungsprozess der anglikanischen von der römisch-katholischen Kirche spielte, gibt es mehrere Versionen.
HC, Bd. 3, S. 36 gibt als Todesdatum lediglich das Jahr 1558 an, Cardella, Bd. 4, S. 372 zitiert ältere Quellen, nach denen der Kardinal entweder in Frankreich oder aber nach 10 Monaten des Kardinalats (als 1550-04) in England gestorben und in der "Chiesa di Cantuaria" bestattet worden sei.
Ähnlich zurückhaltend äußert sich Burton mit Hinweisen auf ältere Literatur und plädiert für ein Todesdatum nach 1558-10-31:
"It was a tradition among the Franciscans that he was pelted with stones by a London mob, and so injured that he shortly afterwards died [..]. Other accounts represent him as dying in France. The date frequently assigned for his death (April, 1558) is incorrect, as on 31 October, 1558, Queen Mary wrote to the pope that she had offered to reinstate him in the Bishopric of Salisbury on the death of Bishop Capon, but that he had declined because of age and infirmity." [Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v.]
Bellenger, Princes gibt als Begräbnisort den Franziskaner Konvent von Greenwich an [Bellenger, Princes, S. 176]. Cardella gibt als Ort der Grablege die Kathedrale von Canterbury an [Cardella, Bd. IV, S. 372]; zusammenfassend dargestellt bei Miranda, Cardinals, s.v.
Da Burton plausibel darlegen kann, dass sich der Kardinal nach 1553 in den Franziskaner-Konvent von Greenwich zurückgezogen hatte, scheint es wahrscheinlich, dass er auch hier verstarb und beigesetzt wurde:
"He could not obtain possession of his diocese, nor did he attempt to do so, on the accession of Queen Mary in 1553, but resigned the see and retired to his old convent at Greenwich. There he remained till Paul IV, who had known him in Rome and highly esteemed him, decided to create him cardinal and legate in place of Pole. But as Peyto was very old and his powers were failing, he declined both dignities. He was, however, created cardinal in June, 1557, though Queen Mary would not allow him to receive the hat, and the appointment was received with public derision." [Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v] |
Burton, Edwin: William Peyto. In: The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York 1911, Bd. 11, zitiert nach , Stand 27.08. 2008 [Catholic Encyclopedia]
Bellenger, Dominic Audan; Fletcher, Stella: Princes of the Church. A history of the English cardinals. Gloucester 2001 [Bellenger, Princes]
Cardella, Lorenzo: Memorie storiche de' Cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. 9 Bde., Rom 1792-1797, Bd. 4, S. 370-372 [Cardella]
Ciaconius, Alphonso [Chacon, Alonso]: Vitae et res gestae pontificum Romanorum et S.R.E. Cardinalium ab initio nascentis ecclesiae usque ad Clementem IX. P.O.M. [ ... ]. 4 Bde., Rom 1677
Hierarchia Catholica medii (et recentioris) aevi sive Summorum Pontificum, S.R.E. cardinalium, ecclesiarum antistitum series, e documentis tabularii praesertim Vaticani collecta, digesta, edita. Ab anno 1198 ... . Hg. v. Conrad Eubel, Patrick Gauchard, Remigius Ritzler u.a., 9 Bde.ff., Padua, Regensberg 1935ff. [HC]
Miranda, Salvatore: Peto, William. In: The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Hg. v. Salvador Miranda, Florida international University Library, Miami. Stand: 13.08.2007 < > [Miranda, s.v.]